Titolo del corso: Fashion culture and management (Laurea magistrale)

Ente erogatore: Università degli Studi di Bologna

Comparto: Moda

Canale formativo: Laurea

Regione: Emilia Romagna

Provincia: Rimini

Comune: Rimini

Modalità di finanziamento:

Quota iscrizione

Sito web del corso: http://corsi.unibo.it/2Cycle/fashionculturemanagement/Pages/Overview.aspx


The second cycle degree course in Fashion Culture and Management – FCM – is an innovative programme developed by the University of Bologna and totally delivered in English. As the title of the course unveils, it focuses on two main academic platforms, one based on the tradition of cultural studies, the other one strictly entangled with economics disciplines. Located in one of the main fashion districts of Italy, Rimini, FCM enables a full-scale knowledge on the basic subjects concerning the fashion field (communication, semiotics, photography, aesthetics, design etc.) alongside the operational approach of company management.
Erogazione dei corsi unicamente in lingua inglese.

Tematiche e contenuti

Theories and methodologies of industrial design, economics, modern art, photography, cinema and sociology, fostering a multi-disciplinary approach to the analysis and study of the fashion-objects.

Metodologia didattica

Laboratori Pratica/Esercitazioni/Lavori di gruppo/Visite aziendali Stage/Tirocini Teoria/Lezioni frontali

Fashion Culture and Management – FCM is a balanced symbiosis of multicultural subjects combined with new learning resources. Beside the proved experience of a highly selected teaching staff, FCM is enriched by the direct intervention of worldly known fashion designers and protagonists of the fashion industry.
Erogazione dei corsi unicamente in lingua inglese.

Verifica degli apprendimenti

Prove d’esame

Requisiti in entrata

–Titolo di studio 
–Lingua (italiano e inglese) 

Sbocchi professionali

Expert/Consultant in fashion culture, design and communication
Expert/Consultant in fashion business management
The FCM programme aims to train professional figures able to play various roles in the fashion industry, from creativity to management processes.

Articolazione del corso

Fashion Culture and Management – FCM is divided into three curricula. The first year provides for a preparatory calendar including a range of course units in common. From their second year students will be asked to choose a more specific curriculum between the following options:
1) Fashion Culture – mainly specialized on the history and the culture of the fashion system, deeply  suitable for text editing and fashion interpretation.
2) Fashion Management – particularly oriented to enhance professional profiles through an approach based on economics.
3) Fashion Trends – mostly qualifying to recognize the main trends in fashion and their influence on the market.

Durata del corso (mesi)


Ore erogate


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